

We welcome all guests

The following information is regarding the accessibility for Hacienda San Angel patrons who might need special accommodations. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of our venue please contact us using the information below and we will assist you.

Accessing our hotel suites require the use of stairs. Some suites have require stairs than others. All stairs have handrails.

Accessing our restaurant requires a few steps with a handrail at the entrance and a few steps to the garden. There is an elevator to assist patrons up to the restaurant.

Although parking is limited, Uber and taxi services are readily available.

We value all of the patrons that visit Hacienda San Angel and will do our best to make special accommodations whenever possible.

Service animals

The creator of Hacienda San Angel, Janice Chatterton, dedicated many years to rescuing the animals of Puerto Vallarta. We love her and we love animals too. In honor of our departed matriarch and to all animal lovers, we warmly welcome the service animals and well-behaved pets of our patrons.

Website Accessible Features

WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 Standards
This website strives to meet successful criteria as defined by the “Rehabilitation Act, Section 508 Guidelines” (Section 508) and the “W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA” (WCAG 2.0). The website administrator has performed necessary enhancements in an attempt to achieve Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 criteria as successfully as possible.
Accessibility References W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

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