Wow! What a year we have been through. The COVID pandemic has brought much change to our world, and more recently, Puerto Vallarta experienced Hurricane Nora.
Thankfully, the beautiful people of Puerto Vallarta are resilient. Likewise, their friendliness, smiles, kindness, and willingness to work together to recover have never ceased. I am in awe, as none of this has been easy.
Puerto Vallarta’s landscape continues to be a source of beauty and soothing. The rivers, the ocean, and the diversity of animals and flora bring enjoyment to locals and visitors alike. Puerto Vallarta is truly a healing place.
Learning to live in a world with its risks in a way that allows freedom of movement again is imperative. I’ve been so heartened by the many visitors taking back their independence from the hostage-taking that COVID-19 created.
It has been my mission for more than a year to keep everyone who works or visits here safe while maintaining the serenity and beauty of the place. I don’t want to participate in keeping the virus passing, but I also don’t think we can continue to isolate. We have to be in the world more smartly and safely. I am practicing what I am preaching here at the Hacienda.
We will keep you safe if you come to visit the Hacienda.
All in all, my preferred mode of operation is hope for the future. This is the optimal mindset for discovering possibilities for improving things.
From my heart to you, dear reader, mask up, vaccinate, and learn how to live, work and play without sharing germs! Blessings to all.
Contact Us with questions about Puerto Vallarta, Hurricane Nora or the hotel.
Concierge Services are available 7 days a week. If you ever have questions or need assistance making a reservation we are here!